MARCH 6–7, 2025
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The Bible promises you will have tribulation in this world. But when you feel you’ve hit rock bottom, remember you have an anchor to secure you through your pain: Jesus!
Stay anchored with this DVD featuring seven teaching sessions that serve as a reminder that Christ will secure you in your darkest days.
The Ultimate Ending
As our world leans toward chaos and godlessness, you might be wondering just how close we are to Christ’s return. The book of Revelation is filled with the information we need to find peace in these times, but maybe you’ve struggled to understand its prophecies. Let us help you understand!
Jerusalem in Prophecy
Jerusalem is the most important city in the history of the world. Take a look into its future with our Jerusalem in Prophecy DVD.
You’ll learn about the city’s incomparable history, how the church and the Messiah are forever tied to Jerusalem, what’s in store for Jerusalem’s ultimate destiny and more!
Study what the Bible says about the Kingdom of God—and leave confident in God's perfect plan not only for the future - but for today.
The Bible has much to say about the Kingdom of God and the Messiah’s role in restoring God’s Kingdom on Earth. Yet, many today are confused about this important part of the Christian faith. It doesn’t have to be complicated!
The Kingdom of God
According to Jesus DVD
– Joel 2∶31
The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes.
– Joel 2∶31 The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes.
The Night Is Always Darkest Just Before Dawn.
Before Jesus’s return to establish His Messianic Kingdom, the Bible describes a coming period of intense judgment.
It calls this period “the Day of the Lord.” On that day, God Himself will intervene in human history, displaying His displeasure with sin and rendering His judgment against the nations of the world.
Join us for our online Look Up Conference as we explore what the Bible teaches about “the Day of the Lord,” and find out what this prophetic event holds in store for Israel, the nations, and believers in Jesus.
Register for free below.
Conference Schedule
Begins at 7PM Eastern
The Fear & Wonder of the Day of the Lord
Dan Price
The Day of the Lord & Israel’s Enemies
Chris Katulka
The Day of the Lord & the Rapture
Dr. David Gunn
Begins at 7PM Eastern
The Day of the Lord & the Tribulation
Dan Price
The Day of the Lord & Israel's Restoration
Chris Katulka
The Day of the Lord & the New Heavens and Earth
Dr. David Gunn
Register Now to Watch
Register today and receive our free Joel 2:32 printable poster, computer/tablet/phone wallpaper download.
Dr. David Gunn
Assistant Director of Media Ministries
David creates and teaches doctrinally sound biblical content through multiple media platforms at The Friends of Israel. David is a graduate of Shasta Bible College (B.A.), Corban University (M.Div.), Liberty University (Th.M.), and Baptist Bible Seminary (Ph.D.). Prior to his work for The Friends of Israel, David served as a professor of Systematic Theology at Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA) and as director of Regular Baptist Press (Elgin, IL). David’s passion is cultivating disciples of Jesus Christ by teaching them to construct and live out a biblical worldview.
Chris Katulka
Director of North American Ministries
Chris oversees a team of FOI representatives who reside throughout the United States and Canada. After graduating from the Institute of Jewish Studies, he received his B.S. in Bible from Cairn University (formerly Philadelphia Biblical University) and a Master’s of Theology in Old Testament studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. Chris serves as host and teacher of The Friends of Israel Today radio program, contributes an editorial to our bi-monthly publication, Israel My Glory, and teaches at conferences and churches throughout the United States.
Dan Price
Director of International Ministries
Dan began serving with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in 2019 and is currently the Director of International Ministries. He seeks to support and encourage FOI representatives throughout the world. After graduating from Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit University) with his Masters of Divinity, he served as a pastor in three churches for almost 20 years before joining FOI. Dan teaches the Bible for our National Bible Conferences, various video series, and writes for Israel My Glory magazine.
When you register for the conference (not registered yet? Go here). There will be a link emailed to you the day before the conference starts. Note: If you don’t see it in your email, you may want to check your spam folder.
Yes! Sessions will be available until March 31 to watch, re-watch, share with friends & family, have a watch party, or to watch when it’s most convenient for you.
It will initially air in Eastern Time (GMT-5) on Thursday, March 6 at 7PM and Friday, March 7 at 7PM. Sessions will be available until March 31 for you to watch when it is convenient for you in your time zone.
Yes! The Friends of Israel is grateful for your generosity! You can make a donation here where it will be used where needed most. Thank you!
Teacher’s notes will be made available for download 1-3 days prior to the start of the event. You will receive an email in your inbox with a link to access.
We travel throughout the United States & Canada, please check here for an event in your area.
We would LOVE for you to go to Israel with us!
Currently, we have volunteer trips only. To learn more, go here for our Hesed program (18 and over) and here for our Origins program (18–28 year olds).
Yes, learn more about FOI Equip here.
Can’t make all the sessions?
All conference sessions will be available to rewatch for registrants immediately following the last session each evening. The sessions will be accessible until March 31.
The conference will be made available for purchase on our video streaming site in April.
Questions About the Conference?
If you’ve never attended an online conference before and you’re not sure what to expect? Let us know. We can help.

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